Too Much Too Hope For--A Plea From the Bosun
Jan 4
2 min read
I guess it was too much to hope for. As things settled down following a beautiful white Christmas and a very quiet New Year, I hoped that Cap and the Admiral would come to their senses and realize how lovely our home on the lake is. Why couldn't we just stay here? But earlier this week, Cap packed and shipped two boxes full of T-shirts, three months worth of meds, and various other sundries and yesterday, the Admiral shipped one of her own. I try not to be nosy but the boxes sat in the front hall and I couldn't help noticing that they were going to Pensacola Marine Center--the spot where we left Katahdin the day before Thanksgiving. I also heard them talking on the phone with the airline. They got a Cat (please remember to capitalize the "C") confirmation number which means they do plan to take me with them and I'll have to go under the seat again on the plane and then get back on Katahdin. Double yuck. How do I keep from being shanghai'd?
The recent monsoon melted all our Christmas snow here in Maine and yesterday, I tricked Cap into letting me outdoors. He used treats to try to lure me back in but, having just had breakfast, I was too smart for that. I wandered around through the woods for a while and gave some thought to the notion that, if I didn't come back in, maybe they'd decide to stay here while they tried to find me. But, what if when I didn't come back, they thought I'd been eaten (we've been seeing owls and observing fox tracks) and went back to Katahdin anyway? Then where would I be? What if I really did get eaten? In any case, it was cold and I had to pee. Cap is crude and he'd just pee in the woods. Me, I prefer the sanctity of my warm cozy box in the basement. I cried at the door and the Admiral was happy to open it for me. So, unless one of you readers can help me with a plan, I guess we'll be going back to the boat.
Cap says we're going to fly down on the 13th, do some sea trials with the electrician/electronics tech and some restocking on the 14th, and start heading east along the Gulf ICW on the 15th. They can't wait. I'm thinking what's the rush?
Taking Stock: Just to let you know how crazy the Admiral and Cap really are, I thought I'd share some figures with you from our trip so far--September 25 to November 25 (was it really only two months?):
States Encountered: 8
Statute Miles Navigated: 1790 (1555 nautical miles)
Time Underway: 157 hours
Average Speed: 9.9 knots
Locks Negotiated: 28
Total Elevation Change: 748 feet
Net Elevation Change: -577 feet
Water Bodies Traversed: 19
Lakes: 6
Rivers: 11
Bay: 1
Gulf ICW: 1
Days on Board (Cap): 73 Me: 65
Nights on Board (Cap): 67 Me: 65
And you wonder why I complain a bit?
Reconciled to my fate. Sincerely,
Jeez, Rascal - I really do feel for ya. It sure seemed like you packed more than two months of adventures (misadventures?) into those 60+ days. "Reconciled to [your] fate" might be as good as it gets. One step up from "resigned" to it, anyway. I'd hate to think of the Katahdin suffering a second mutiny.